My story is working hard - just sayin'...

Hello, my name is Kelly,

Here is MY Success Story! It is just normal hard working stuff tho-

I just have....a career full of hard work, yah, that's all I got! BUT I finally found my jam - Social Media Marketing.

I have 2 boys and my hubby (sometimes my secret weapon for copywriting!). AND I am just doin my thing - making other people money. It's the ultimate high! I hope to work with you too!

Here is how it all started, I have determination! You got to when it comes to figuring out what works with FB ads. And if you are anything like me you are a passionate entrepreneur who is constantly investing in your business to make it the best it can can be. I am constantly investing in on-line training for social advertising. I also belong to a membership of elite collaborative community of marketers.

My inner solopreneur started in SECOND grade....I sold to my classmates. I had my own catalog of things I made. And on the weekends I was selling minnows off my dock where I grew up. I sold to the tourists and fisherman that would launch their boat at the neighboring boat ramp. $5/pint!

This was the beginning of my love of entrepreneurship - from the age of 8.

My natural talents bring me to where I am today. I have been the owner of different businesses throughout my career. And they all played a part in why I am enjoying the life of a Social Media Marketing agency.

I have had my own retail storefront and e-commerce business. I learned the ins and outs of e-commerce and sold it when it was at the tip top of SUCCESS….,making a profit that paid off our debt and then I was able to "go home" to raise our two boys. I made my dream become reality.

As my boys became young adults I became a successful interior designer at a large furniture store selling complete styled interiors. Designing one dream home after another for oceanfront residences.

Dream clients & amazing projects.

All these successes gave me the natural talent for my entrepreneur mindset.

Now I am a Facebook™ and Instagram™ Ad agency, which gives me success helping many

entrepreneurs over again and again!

Nothing to date has been more satisfying to me than this!

You get the big time agency and the attention only a small business can provide!

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Do I still do interior design, you ask, of course I do! I LOVE it!

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